…. and it’ll probably finish off a few photographers if we start having to carry kit like this around all day! The big buzz word of the moment seems to be “convergence”, mostly as a result of the new breed of digital SLR’s capable of capturing HD video. Some say that photographers will need to diversify into video to survive – others that film making has it’s own specific skill sets and should be left to those whose business it is.
I fall firmly into the second camp, purely because I have had experience of professional video production and appreciate how difficult (and expensive) it is to do it properly. Now, I have seen sample movies shot on the Canon 5D MkII and the results are spectacular, (check out “The Last 3 Minutes” by Shane Hurlbot http://vimeo.com/10570139 ), but this is the craft of experienced movie makers.
Even for a highly talented stills-shooter, the level of new skills needed to take full advantage of this democratisation of filmmaking will be difficult to justify and costly to achieve. I’m sure there are potential clients out there who will jump at the offer of stills and video in one package. But how good will the results really be – and how much more (if any) will they be prepared to pay ?
I for one will stick with stills. I know I can say more in 1/500th of a second than any videographer can say in 30fps….
Monthly Archives: May 2010
That was the (expensive) week that was . .
“This is not just a lens…this is a Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED lens…”
iPads – and the way we were long before Apple …
Spent some time this afternoon with my friend Nick, who has a few weeks off from driving his 747 and is trying to catch up on his photographic BA Degree course. Nick sensibly wanted to colour calibrate his monitors so I popped round to help him with the initial set-up. When we’d finished I caught sight of his latest toy, a very shiny new iPad. This piece of kit is a photographer’s dream – and I want one ! Light as a feather, brilliant colour rendition and very quick and easy to use.There must be a place for one of these in every ‘togs gadget bag !

A youthful David Bellamy helps this cheery lass boot up her Data General system in 1983
Sebastian enjoys interfacing with his new InterTec SuperBrain . . shame about the glasses..

Now…where did I put that disc? . .