Corporate portrait project – photographing the workers

December saw us undertaking a major corporate portrait shoot for our client Balfour Beatty Workplace. With a brief to shoot “our people” not “where they work”, we had decided that high-key portraiture was the most suitable style for this project. With a recently purchased 6′ x 7′ Lastolite Hi-Lite, five Elinchrom strobes and assorted cameras and laptops, we visited five different locations over a fourteen-day period. We had deliberately spaced the shoots out as although they were intrinsically simple, we had a limited amount of time with each subject and only one chance to get it right.  The Hi-Lite itself proved a very useful piece of kit, allowing us to obtain a consistent look to the images regardless of where we had set up. Everything was shot RAW as many of the final images will be blown up to over 6′ high so quality was critical. With the tools of their trade we photographed everyone from cleaners to plumbers, telephonists to porters and gardeners to electricians. I have to say we have rarely worked with a nicer bunch of people, so thank you to everyone at Southampton, Chelsea, Watford, Islington and Hendon. We couldn’t have done it without you !   

Here’s a little look at how it went . . .                  

First, choose your camera postion (don't forget your camera) . . .


Make it clear what you are trying to achieve . . .


Then start shooting . . .


. . . and things soon start to come together


from cleaners . .


. . . to clerks


IT specialists . . .

. . . to road workers. These guys had just come back in from gritting Hampshire's roads after heavy snowfall and they still managed a smile !