Someone pointed out to me recently that my last blog post was in January. That’s 27 weeks – inexcusable in blog-land as we’re all supposed to update as regularly as possible. But on this occasion I make no apologies for the simple reason that we have just had far too much work (if that’s possible !) So, rather than anything specific, I’m going just going to showcase a selection of the varied work that we’ve shot since the last post.
No Added Sugar
We’ve spent an enormous amount of time in the studio over the past four months shooting garments for luxury children’s clothing brand No Added Sugar – and Karen has patiently steamed, pressed and styled a seemingly endless stream of dresses, trousers, playsuits, tops and jackets. Unfortunately we can’t publish any images as the fashion industry works 12 months ahead and we operate a strict non-disclosure policy to protect our clients. All I can say is watch out for their Spring/Summer 2013 Collection because it’s absolutely gorgeous.
Portsmouth Port “Stay Connected” cover shoot
Cover shoot for Portsmouth International Port’s new magazine “Stay Connected”. The original brief was to try and encompass Portsmouth “old and new” and to that end I suggested a shot from the historic HMS Warrior, taking in the Spinnaker Tower and some of the City itself.
The agency went through several variations on the theme, all of which were approved in turn then subsequently rejected. This is quite normal during the design process but their final choice was the option featuring my shot of “Hebridean Princess” arriving at 0700 in Portsmouth a month earlier.
Something of a surprise but the client was delighted – and that’s all that matters !
Minerva gets a re-fit
In the latter part of 2011 Swan Hellenic’s “Minerva” underwent an extensive refit and shooting her alongside in March also gave me the opportunity to go on board and shoot some areas of the newly refurbished interior.
One for the ladies….
Rupert Penry-Jones opened the Petersfield Shakespeare Festival at Bedales in May.
ACS International Schools – New prospectus shoots
Several days spent at all three ACS campus sites capturing the spirit of the schools for a brand new brochure design. Still only in proof stage but already looking good…..
BSRIA – Building Standards for a safer built environment
Commissioned by the The Building Services Research and Information Association, we spent two days on site at their Bracknell facility helping build the foundation of a new image library.
Working with a blank canvas of (mostly) white-walled modular test rooms, we created a series of striking images to update their website and bring new life to their promotional literature.
“Good Grief” – Penelope Keith for The Theatre Royal Bath
“Definitely not Audrey Fforbes-Hamilton” was the brief from Director Danny Moar for this photocall to publicise his forthcoming production at the Theatre Royal Bath. The aristocratic Audrey, who Penelope played alongside Peter Bowles for so many years, is the character with whom she is most commonly associated, and it was vital that we avoided the Audrey “look” for this play about a widow coping with the recent loss of her husband. Once Karen and I had done the light checks I retreated to makeup and Penny and I spent about twenty minutes talking through what we needed to achieve. The background was to be added in post-production by the design team, so it became a simple case of “less is more”. This was technically a very simple portrait, but the secret is to be able to engage fully with the actor to ensure the character shines through on the subsequent posters and pre-publicity material. We were shooting tethered which allowed the production team to view each shot in real time and within fifteen minutes Danny declared that I had achieved the very look he was after in under 40 frames. Two shots have been chosen and at the time of writing we do not know which will be the final. Once we do I will post the finished image.
Which looks like this…